A downloadable game

Fox and Hogs Battle For Wealth: 


Download Python Here: www.python.org then do modify and tick everything then go on to the next set of instructions:

Press download. Open the file in files(you may need to copy everything into a non zip file, to do this make a new folder, inside it make 2 folders, one named music the other images(make sure they are all lowercase)then copy everything from the zip into it and follow the following steps:)  ).  Go to command prompt on windows, terminal on mac(if your not sure how to do this watch a tutorial).  Then on command prompt type this: pip install pgzero  Once youve done that type(may need to be on a new command prompt) pgzrun   then do a space and drag in the glitchy slimes file from the zip. For mac do this: pip3 install pgzero then its the same as command prompt.

Fox and Hog have been battling forever. For one thing: Money, gold, wealth. They really like it. Finally they have arrived at The Island Of Gold, which holds infinite treasures. But because of their presence the island is collapsing and they don't have long until it collapses... Will they get enough gold or will the dangers of the island destroy them first? Play to find out.


Arrow Keys: Move Fox

WASD: Move Hog

F: Fullscreen(can be buggy)

Escape: Leave fullscreen

L: Fox sits out

P: Hog sits out

How To Play:

Collect as much gold as you can in 30 seconds but watch out for the slimes who constantly chase you around. The portal will bring you to the sack of gold which has more gold. But watch out for the spikes(entering the portal will disable them)

Hog: A fabulous hedgehog who knows the way of money and can get more out of everything

Fox: A sly fox who can escape any situation with the slide of his feet

Note: This is my first ever game so it may not be the best.


game_jam.zip 3 MB


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Good job, keep it up!

Qué chulada!!Good Job!!!

 I want to play now!! Muy bien!!!

(1 edit)

¡Buen trabajo!

Some suggestions... pack your game inside an executable file (.exe) www.pyinstaller.org. Do not expect things from end users... such as install pygame or execute a .py in a shell. You must assume end users are "dumb".

Place in your user interface, an button or control for mute the sound.

If you need help, feel free to contact me. Your dad has my contact details ;-)


Thank you


great creation I’ll expend time to learn how to play ! Great stuff

There may be an issue where you only have 5 seconds to get gold. But I tryed to fix it so hopefully its better.